IELTS Writing Task 2 Örnek Essay Soruları ve Cevapları
IELTS Writing Task 2 Örnek Essay Soruları ve Cevapları

IELTS Writing Task 2 Örnek Essay Soruları ve Cevapları

22.07.2019 | IELTS AC/GT

#1 IELTS Writing Task 2 - Örnek Essay

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some people believe that life in a large city is becoming more and more arduous, while the life in villages is much more beneficial. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? 

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.



Nowadays the majority of people find the life in the urban area extremely challenging. It is hard to disagree that the life in the countryside brings certain benefits to individuals. However, big cities offer them more opportunities for development and entertainment.

To begin with, there are various reasons why urban life can be considered easier than in the countryside. First of all, citizens have more chances to get better education and make good career growth. Obviously, the majority of the best educational institutions with excellent staff and up to date technology are situated mainly in major cities. In terms of employment, there are wide opportunities for people in metropolis to succeed in their profession and earn desired salary. Secondly, the level of healthcare in cities is much higher than in villages or small towns, thus, in extreme cases advanced technologies in hospitals are available to save more lives and prevent serious diseases. Finally, there is a wide range of entertainment and sports facilities in big cities, such as shopping malls, restaurants, sports and dance clubs, which create more contentment in life.

On the other hand, life in cities has certain hardships. The first one is that the cost of living is higher than in rural areas and, consequently, housing is usually much more expensive. To deal with this, citizens have to work much and earn more money. The second problem is traffic congestion and crime which make life in urban area extremely stressful and terrible. Moreover, due to business and stress cities suffer lack of community sense and people do not even know their neighbors. As a result, cities are sometimes described as concrete jungles with its rules and conditions that force inhabitants to become more severe to survive.

In conclusion, it is undoubtedly true that life in metropolis is more problematic to some extent than living in countryside. Nevertheless, from the opposite view it gives more opportunities in certain aspects.


Nowadays the majority of people find the life in the urban area extremely challenging. It is hard to disagree that the life in the countryside brings certain benefits to individuals. However, big cities offer them more opportunities for development and entertainment.

Günümüzde, insanların çoğunluğu kentsel alanda yaşamı son derece zor buluyor. Kırsaldaki yaşamın bireylere belirli yararlar getirdiğine itiraz etmek zordur. Bununla birlikte, büyük şehirler insanlara gelişmek ve eğlenmek için daha fazla fırsat sunuyor.

To begin with, there are various reasons why urban life can be considered easier than in the countryside. First of all, citizens have more chances to get better education and make good career growth. Obviously, the majority of the best educational institutions with excellent staff and up to date technology are situated mainly in major cities. In terms of employment, there are wide opportunities for people in metropolis to succeed in their profession and earn desired salary. Secondly, the level of healthcare in cities is much higher than in villages or small towns, thus, in extreme cases advanced technologies in hospitals are available to save more lives and prevent serious diseases. Finally, there is a wide range of entertainment and sports facilities in big cities, such as shopping malls, restaurants, sports and dance clubs, which create more contentment in life.

İlk olarak, kentsel yaşamın kırsal kesimdeki yaşamdan daha kolay kabul edilebilir olmasının çeşitli nedenleri vardır. Her şeyden önce, şehirde yaşayanların daha iyi eğitim almak ve iyi bir kariyer sahibi olabilmek için daha fazla seçeneği var. Açıkçası, mükemmel personel ve güncel teknoloji ile en iyi eğitim kurumlarının çoğunluğu büyük şehirlerde bulunmaktadır. İş bulmak açısından, büyük şehirlerde insanların uzmanlıkları ve istedikleri maaş konularında başarılı olma fırsatları daha fazla. İkincisi, şehirlerdeki sağlık olanakları köylerden veya küçük kasabalardan çok daha fazla; bu nedenle ciddi hastalık durumlarında hastanelerde ileri teknolojiler, daha fazla yaşam kurtarmak ve ciddi hastalıkları önlemek için kullanılabiliyor. Son olarak büyük şehirlerde; alışveriş merkezleri, restoranlar, spor ve dans kulüpleri gibi, yaşamda daha fazla memnuniyet yaratan çok çeşitli eğlence ve spor tesisleri bulunmaktadır.

On the other hand, life in cities has certain hardships. The first one is that the cost of living is higher than in rural areas and, consequently, housing is usually much more expensive. To deal with this, citizens have to work much and earn more money. The second problem is traffic congestion and crime which make life in urban area extremely stressful and terrible. Moreover, due to business and stress cities suffer lack of community sense and people do not even know their neighbors. As a result, cities are sometimes described as "concrete jungles" with its rules and conditions that force inhabitants to become more severe to survive.

Öte yandan, şehirde hayatın belli zorlukları var. Birincisi, yaşam maliyetinin kırsal alana kıyasla daha yüksek olması ve dolayısıyla evlerin genellikle daha pahalı olması. Bununla başa çıkabilmek için şehirde yaşayanların çok çalışması ve daha fazla para kazanması gerekiyor. İkinci sorun, trafik tıkanıklığı ve şehirde yaşamı oldukça stresli ve korkunç hale getiren suçtur. Dahası, iş ve strese bağlı olarak, şehirler topluluk olmaktan ve iletişim kurmaktan yoksundur, insanlar komşularını bile tanımaz. Sonuç olarak, şehirler bazen hayatta kalabilmek için sakinlerini zorlayan kural ve koşullara sahip "beton ormanlar" olarak tanımlanmaktadır.

In conclusion, it is undoubtedly true that life in metropolis is more problematic to some extent than living in countryside. Nevertheless, from the opposite view it gives more opportunities in certain aspects.

Sonuç olarak, metropoldeki yaşamın kırsal kesimde yaşamaktan daha sorunlu olduğu kuşkusuz ki doğrudur. Bununla birlikte de, karşıt görüşten bakıldığında, belirli açılardan daha fazla fırsat vermektedir.



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