IELTS General Writing Task 1 Örnek mektup soruları ve cevapları
IELTS General Writing Task 1 Örnek mektup soruları ve cevapları

IELTS General Writing Task 1 Örnek mektup soruları ve cevapları

22.07.2019 | IELTS AC/GT


#1 IELTS General Writing Task 1 - Letter (Mektup) Sorusu

Write about the following topic:

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Recently, your position in the company has changed, and accordingly, you are required to write a letter to ask for some corresponding training programs that contains the following information:

• What was your last position?
• What qualities does your new position require?
• How does the training help you in your new position?

Write at least 150 words.
You do NOT need to write any addresses.
Begin your letter as follows:

Dear ....,


Dear Mr. Smith,

I am writing to you to ask you permission to participate in coaching program related with my new position in our organization.

Previously I worked as financial manager for three years and carried responsibilities in coordinating financial resources of the company and ensured their rational use.

My current duties are much wider than at my last position. I am an executive manager of our Construction Department and I am responsible for construction of our huge projects, such us shopping malls, entertainment centers and business centers. I am really pleased with this appointment and your trust. For this reason, I would like to attend some seminars or training programs to gain appropriate knowledge and skills.

As a financial manager I did not have to know much about building standards or about organizing construction projects. Some training would benefit me and, as a consequence, our company, as I would be able to focus on the weaknesses quickly and take appropriate actions immediately to increase our effectiveness.

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

I look forward to your response.

Yours sincerely,

Ann Johnson



Dear Mr. Smith,

Sayın Bay Smith,

I am writing to you to ask you permission to participate in coaching program related with my new position in our organization.

Kuruluşumuzdaki yeni pozisyonum ile alakalı olan koçluk programına katılmak amaçlı izninizi istemek için size yazıyorum.

Previously I worked as financial manager for three years and carried responsibilities in coordinating financial resources of the company and ensured their rational use.

Daha önce üç yıl boyunca mali yöneticilik yaptım ve şirketin mali kaynaklarını koordine etme sorumluluklarını yerine getirmekle beraber, bunların akılcı kullanımlarını sağladım.

My current duties are much wider than at my last position. I am an executive manager of our Construction Department and I am responsible for construction of our huge projects, such us shopping malls, entertainment centers and business centers. I am really pleased with this appointment and your trust. For this reason, I would like to attend some seminars or training programs to gain appropriate knowledge and skills.

Şu anki görevlerim son pozisyonumdakilerden çok daha geniş bir yelpazede bulunmakta. İnşaat Departmanımızın üst düzey yöneticisiyim ve alışveriş merkezleri, eğlence merkezleri ve iş merkezleri gibi büyük projelerimizin inşaatlarından sorumluyum. Bu randevudan ve güveninizden son derece memnunum. Bu sebeple, gerekli uygun bilgiler ve becerileri edinebilmek için bazı seminerler ve eğitim programlarına katılmak istiyorum.

As a financial manager I did not have to know much about building standards or about organizing construction projects. Some training would benefit me and, as a consequence, our company, as I would be able to focus on the weaknesses quickly and take appropriate actions immediately to increase our effectiveness.

Mali yönetici olarak, bina standartları ve inşaat projeleri organize etme konusunda çok fazla bir bilgim yoktu. Eğitim, etkinliğimizi arttırabilmek için zayıflıklarımıza hızla yoğunlaşabilmem ve uygun şekilde harekete geçmem konusunda bana ve sonuç olarak şirketimize faydalı olacaktır.

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

Zamanınız ve anlayışınız için şimdiden teşekkür ederim.

I look forward to your response.

Cevabınızı heyecanla beklemekteyim.

Yours sincerely,


Ann Johnson


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